This function loads a file and scans it for a given keyword which signposts the beginning and end of a pattern. It then extracts all the text between the keywords for manipulation as a pattern. For extracting multiple patterns at once from a single file, check out extract_draft.

extract_pattern(filepath, keyword, preserve = FALSE)



A valid character string to the plaintext file containing the pattern.


A placeholder which signposts the beginning and end of the pattern to be extracted.


A boolean (TRUE/FALSE) value indicating whether or not keywords should be included in the extracted pattern (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default FALSE.


A character string, typically used to assemble a draft.

See also

Other import functions: extract_draft(), import_draft(), import_pattern()


pattern_file <- tempfile("out", tempdir(), ".Rmd")
export_template("EXTRACT my sample pattern EXTRACT", pattern_file)
extract_pattern(pattern_file, "EXTRACT")
#> [1] " my sample pattern "